Today we had in studio, Kiko of Pest X-Press. Bug and rodent control is continuing to be a growing industry in the greater Las Vegas valley as our population continues to grow.
Kiko believes in personal service. Many times, the problem is not just on the outside of the dwelling but on the inside as well. It is in these instances where Kiko feels that his brand of personal service shines. Many of his clients have been with him for years and years and they continue to send him referrals over and over. Younger people currently do not appreciate the art of communication. They would prefer you just do the job and don’t bother them. It’s unfortunate because it’s a lack of communication that leads to almost every misunderstanding and conflict.
Other than bugs, the two main pest problems in the valley continue to be rats and scorpions. Both, have a tendency to live in the palm trees of the desert. Getting rid of rats is not something that can be done with a simple spraying and usually requires trapping of the rodents on the outside of the dwelling before they enter. Consequently, it may take up to several weeks to eliminate the problem.