The first step in building a large commercial site or even a set of track homes is to contact a Geotech Engineer do some drilling and find out what type of soil you will be dealing with. Literally, here is where getting prepared from the ground up is critical. You would drill to whatever depth the engineer dictates, take the soil samples to a lab for testing, and the results will tell you how much over excavating you will need to do for the project. On almost every project you will need to backfill the site as well to get the optimum soil composition for construction. From there, different types of foundation buildouts will be considered to make the project work.
Most of the time on these large land purchases, the buyer is initiating the soil sample process after the purchase has been completed. Consequently, in-part they are rolling the dice hoping that the soil results will not return a detrimental report that will result in excessive unplanned expenditures to make the land usable for their intended purpose.
Unfortunately, if there are issues with the City or County Inspectors you can’t trade for a different inspector or request a do-over. When it comes to the city you need to find people in the industry that work well with others and have a good rapport with all of the inspectors
The Rental Assistance for Tenants program provides rental assistance to Las Vegas City households impacted during COVID 19. Household incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) can qualify. Priority is given will be given to households with incomes at or below 50% of the AMI and/or unemployed for 90 days or more. Financial assistance can be provided for up to 18 months.